2010 in Pictures


Moved into and expanded my new studio

"Black Water," installation, 23'x10'x11', 2010

Researched and lectured at the Central Academy of Fine Arts

Visited Lu Shengzhong at CAFA, Beijing

Visited Beijing's 798 Art Zone

Exhibited in Shanghai for the first time (Gallery shot, OV Gallery)

"Atomic Jellyfish" on the cover of L'art de la decoupe, France

Visited Xu Bing and his Beijing studio

Completed a body of new works

Visited my hometown Hong Kong


Basic Paper Cutting Techniques

There are many ways to make paper cutting and techniques may also vary depending on whether you use scissors or knives. However, several basic techniques are universal.

1. Folding

Fold the paper once to create simple symmetry or fold multiple times for more complex repetition.

What the Monarch Remembers

What the Monarch Remembers, template and rice paper cutout, 4.75x3.20", 2010

2. Negative space cutting

The object/motif is depicted in parts that have been cut away.

Beach Ball Blast, details, rice paper cutout, 2009

3. Positive space cutting

By cutting away the unwanted parts of the paper, the object/motif is revealed within the paper that’s left.

Memory Windows I, rice paper cutout on silk, 24x24", 2010

4. Black and white outlining

The simultaneous use of both negative space and positive space cutting techniques.

The Pebbles Think They're Buddha

The Pebbles Think They're Buddha, rice paper cutout on silk, 12.25x12.25", 2010

Source: Zhang, Daoyi. The Art of Chinese Papercuts. Beijing, China: Foreign Language Press, 1989.